Ich hab da mal ne E-Mail geschickt....
...und zwar an die tolle Bill and Melinda French Gates Foundation. Diese Foundation schickt nämlich ganz viel Geld nach Afrika um den Menschen dort zu helfen. Und ich hatte da so einige Fragen. Naja lest es einfach selbst (Wer kein Englisch kann soll das bitte sagen dann übersetze ich das auch gerne. Aber ich habe ja selbst keine Ahnung von der Sprache und deshalb ist es nur sehr einfach geblieben):

Dear Mister Gates,
I have to write very slowly because I’m using your fantastic invention called Windows Vista, which is working as fast as a snail can run. And we all know that Mr. Snail won’t set up speed records even if he runs like hell.
I think I’m going to save my money next time and get one of these illegal copies from the so called evil internet area. I can send the money to your foundation if you want? But I’m not really convinced yet.
Yes I’m thinking too, that money makes the world go around and it is true that sending billions of good old dollars down to Africa solves their poverty problems. They can buy weapons and shoot themselves or other starving people for example. And I’ve heard that your foundation fights against great illnesses like AIDS or tuberculosis and build schools for the poor Africans. They can say: “Hey Bill! Wipe my ass!” and you will do for it for them. That’s great!
But let us be realistic. Do they really need our help? Do they need our dirty money earned by exploiting the third world? Shouldn’t we just let them go?
Do you know what really helps Mister Gates? We should give up our wealth which is based on their poorness and live on the same level. Equality is the key…
Greetings your dergeschichtenerzaehler
P.S. Sorry for the bad English I’m just a German guy.

Auf die Antwort bin ich schon gespannt wie Flitzekacke...

Senf abgeben!

...und nach 10 Sekunden kam die Antwort...
...die sind echt schnell oder?

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The foundation supports nonprofit organizations in the following areas:

· The Global Development Program focuses on agriculture, financial services for the poor, and access to computers and the internet in international public libraries.

· The Global Health Program concentrates on reducing disease in developing countries.

· The United States Program works nationally in education, provides access to technology in public libraries, and works with community programs supporting at risk families in Washington state and the greater Portland, Oregon area.

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We wish you all the best.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Ich frag mich ob die beiden ihre We wish you the best Haltung noch ändern werden wenn sie meine Beleidigung gelesen haben.